C Program to Calculate Square Root of a Positive Number

Q: Write a C Program to Calculate Square Root of a Positive Number How To Calculate Square Root of a number in C Programming We use built-in function sqrt() to calculate square root of a number. Include Header File math.h for sqrt() function We must include math.h header file with the help of pre processor… Read More »


C Program to Search a Record in Binary File C Programming

Q: Write a C program to Search a Record in Binary File in C Programming. What is the input of Record Search C Program? This C program will input a field to start a search with. For example, in a student binary file, we will input roll number of the student to start search in… Read More »


C Program to Append / Add More Records in Binary File

To day we will learn to write a “C Program to Append / Add More Records in Binary File”. Let us study some important concepts related to appending a file in C Programming. What Do You Mean By Appending a File? By Appending a file we mean adding More records at the end of a… Read More »


C Program to Read Records From Binary File

C Program to Display Records From Binary File “Read Records From Binary File” in C Programming is the program we will write today. We have already written a C program to Write Records in a Binary File. We have learned some basic standard library function used in C File programming. fopen() to open a file.… Read More »


C File Program to Save Records in a Binary File

“C File Program to Save Records” is a file handling program in C programming language. This program will open a binary file and save the records of students in it. If the file does not exist already, it is created. It will add one record at a time. After saving first record successfully in a… Read More »


Fibonacci Program in C Programming

What is Fibonacci Sequence Explain Fibonacci Series What are Fibonacci Numbers This program with title “Fibonacci Program in C Programming” is based on a special series in mathematics. The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers starting from first two numbers 0 and 1 by definition. Then every other number is the sum of  previous… Read More »


C Program Using Ternary Operator To Check Even Odd

“C Program Using Ternary Operator To Check Even Odd” This is a C program that uses conditional operator in C programming language to check whether a number is even or odd. Ternary operator is called conditional operator in C programming language. The syntax of ternary operator is as follows: (condition)? true-case-statement : false-case-statement; Example of… Read More »
