Array Numbers Factorials in C++. This is a C++ program using arrays and loops.
This program will input five numbers in array. It will find factorials of each element of array and place them in a second array.

How This C++ Program Works?
1. First of all declare required arrays and variables.
int a[5],b[5],i,n,c; long f;
2. Input five numbers in array using a for loop from 0 to 4.
for(c=0;c<5;c++) { cout <<"Enter number "<<c+1<<" in array a:"; cin>>a; }
3. Use a for loop to access each number in the array. Calculate factorial of this number using another for loop. Place the factorial in second array.
// find factorial of each element of array for(c=0;c<5;c++) { n = a; f = 1; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) f = f * i; // place factorial in array b = f; }
4. display both arrays one after othe using separate for loops.
// display array cout<<"Array of numbers is : \n============\n"; for(c=0;c<5;c++) cout<<a<<"\t"; cout<<"\n"; // display array cout<<"Array of factorials is : \n===========\n"; for(c=0;c<5;c++) cout<<b<<"\t";
Source code of Factorials of Numbers in Array program in C++
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int a[5],b[5],i,n,c; long f; for(c=0;c<5;c++) { cout << "Enter number "<<c+1<<" in array a:"; cin>>a; } // find factorial of each element of array for(c=0;c<5;c++) { n = a; f = 1; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) f = f * i; // place factorial in array b = f; } // display array ara cout<<"Array of numbers is : \n============\n"; for(c=0;c<5;c++) cout<<a<<"\t"; cout<<"\n"; // display array cout<<"Array of factorials is : \n===========\n"; for(c=0;c<5;c++) cout<<b<<"\t"; return 0; }
Output from a sample run…
Enter number 1 in array a:1 Enter number 2 in array a:2 Enter number 3 in array a:3 Enter number 4 in array a:4 Enter number 5 in array a:5 Array of numbers is : ============ 1 2 3 4 5 Array of factorials is : =========== 1 2 6 24 120 Press Enter to return ...
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