Python Swap Two Variables Without Third – This Python programmin tutorial explains the Python Swap Two Vaibles Without Third Variable progrm.

The Source code of Python Swap Two Variables Without Third variable program
# Write a Python program to swap # the values of two variables without # using a third variable # Author: (c) num1= int(input('Enter The value of num1 Variable:')) num2= int(input('Enter The value of num1 Variable:')) print('Before sawapping the two variables:') print('num1=',num1,'num2=',num2) num1, num2 = num2, num1 print('After sawapping the two variables:') print('num1=',num1,'num2=',num2)
The output of the Python Swap variables program
Enter The value of num1 Variable:10 Enter The value of num1 Variable:10000 Before sawapping the two variables: num1= 10 num2= 10000 After sawapping the two variables: num1= 10000 num2= 10