Looping Statements in Python

By | July 20, 2019

Looping Statements in Python – This tutorial explains the two types of loops in Python briefly.

What are looping Statements in Python?

Looping statements are used to execute a block of one or more statements repeatedly for a fixed number of times or as long as a given condition remains true.

types of python looping Statements- for and while loop

types of python looping Statements- for and while loop

Types of Python Looping Structures

There are two main loop statements in Python as follows:

  1. while loop
  2. for loop

Python while Statement

Python provides a while loop statement. A while loop is used to repeatedly execute a block of one or more statements as long as a given condition remains true. The while loop terminates, if the given condition becoms false.


while i<=5:
The output will be:

The Python for Statement

The Python for Statement is used to iterate over the members of a sequence in order, executing the block of statements each time.

For example:

# arr is a list of colors
arr = ['Red','Green','Blue']
for c in arr:

The output will be:

Looping Statements in Detail

Click the following links for detailed tutorials on for loop and while loop:

Python for Loop with Syntax and Examples in Detail

Python while statement with Syntax and Examples in detail


3 thoughts on “Looping Statements in Python

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