Python GUI Find Factorial by Recursive Function

Topic: Find Factorial by Recursive Function Python GUI Program   # Python GUI program Find Factorial # of a Number by Recursion # Input a number and show its factorial # using a user defined recursive factorial function # from tkinter import * def inputn(): n= int(entry.get()) # call recursive_factorial function fact= recursive_factorial(n) str1… Read More »


Python GUI Multiplication Table

Topic: Multiplication Table Python GUI Program Python GUI Multiplication Table # Python GUI program Multiplication Table # Input a number and show its multiplication table # from 1 to 10 # from tkinter import * def show_table(): num = int(entry.get()) str1=’ Table of ‘ + str(num) + ‘\n—————–\n’ for i in range(1,11): str1 =… Read More »


Python GUI Area of Triangle

Topic:Python GUI Program Area of Triangle with base and height # Python GUI Program to calculate # Area of a Triangle # When base and height given # from tkinter import * def calculate_area(): base = float(entry1.get()) height = float(entry2.get()) area = 1 / 2 * base * height output_label.configure(text = ‘ Area of… Read More »


Python GUI Temperature Conversion Program C To F

Topic: Python GUI Temperature Conversion Program Celsius to Fahrenhiet # Python GUI program Temperature conversion # Celsius to Faherenheit # Input Celsius, Find Fahrenheit # from tkinter import * def convert_temperature(): temp = float(entry.get()) temp = 9/5 * temp+32 output_label.configure(text = ‘ Converted to Fahrenheit: {:.1f} ‘ .format(temp)) main_window = Tk() main_window.title(“”) message_label =… Read More »


Python GUI Program Temperature Conversion Fahrenheit to Celsius

Topic: Python GUI Program Temperature Conversion Fahrenheit to Celsius # Python GUI program Temperature conversion # Faherenheit to Celsius # Input Faherenheit Find Celsius # from tkinter import * def convert_temperature(): temp = float(entry.get()) temp = (temp – 32) * 5/9 output_label.configure(text = ‘ Converted to Celsius: {:.1f} ‘ .format(temp)) main_window = Tk() main_window.title(“”)… Read More »


Python Program To Print a to z using for loop and chr function

Topic: Python Program To Print a to z using for loop and chr() function We will use the built-in Python function chr() to print the small alphabets from a to z. We know that the Ascii code of ‘a’ is 97 and that of ‘z’ is 122. Therefore we will use a range() function in… Read More »


Python Print Alphabet Patterns 11 Programs

Topic: Python Print Alphabet Patterns Programs Alphabets patterns and shapes printing programs for Python Novice Programmers Alphabets patterns and shapes printing programs use nested for loops normally. Print alphabets Pattern programs are very importnat for program logic building in novice Python programmers. These programs improves thinking power of the beginner programmers to solve a given… Read More »
