Understanding C Pointers

Understanding C Pointers – will give you a deep understanding of pointer concept in C programming language. What is a Pointer in C? A Pointer is a special variable that can hold the memory address of another variable. We will use the reference operator ( & ) to store memory address in a pointer variable.… Read More »


Using Pointers Add Numbers

Pointers in C Language: Program To Add Two Numbers Using Pointers   #include <stdio.h> int main() { int num1, num2, *ptr1, *ptr2, sum; printf(“\n\n Pointers in C : Program to Add two numbers :\n”); printf(“————————————————-\n”); printf(” Enter the first number : “); scanf(“%d”, &num1); printf(” Enter the second number : “); scanf(“%d”, &num2); ptr1 =… Read More »


Python Identifiers Naming Conventions

Today we shall discuss “Python Identifiers and Naming Conventions”. Python Identifiers A Python identifier is the name of a variable, function, class, module, or other object. We can say that Python Identifier is the name we use to identify a variable, function, class, module or other object in a Python program / script. We use… Read More »


Python Random Numbers Generation

The process of Python Random Numbers Generation is very simple and easy to understand. Steps To Generate a Random Number in Python Just follow these steps: 1. Import random module 2. Use randint() method of random module to generate an integer number within a specific range. Example: Generate a Random Number Between 1 and 50… Read More »


Python Program Prime Between Two Numbers

Python Program Prime Between Two Numbers In this Python programming tutorial we shall learn to write and execute a Python program to print all the prime numbers between the two given  numbers. Program statement: Write a Python program to input two numbers and print all the prime numbers between these two numbers. Actually we want… Read More »


Python Program Digits Product

In this tutorial we shall learn to write a Python program to print product that is multiplication of digits of a given number. Program statement: Write a program to display product of the digits of a number accepted from the user. How this Python Program Product of digits Works? Dear readers, when we divide a… Read More »


Python KG to POUNDS and Vice Versa

Python Program to convert kilo grams into pounds and vice versa. Formula to convert kg to pounds and vice versa To convert pounds into kilograms, divide the number of pounds you have by 2.2046. Program statements kg to pounds and vice versa ”’ Python Program to convert kg to pounds and vice versa ”’ ”’… Read More »


Function Array Search in C Plus Plus

Function Array Search in C Plus Plus. This is a C Plus Plus programming language program to input size of an array of integer numbers. The program will take item from the user to be searched in this array. If it finds the specified element in array, a suitable message of Item found on location… Read More »


Python Remove Vowels in String Program

Python Remove Vowels in String Program – This Python program will take an input string from user. It will remove any vowels in this string and will display the output string after removing vowels in that input string. We will use: input() function to display message and get the input string from the user. We… Read More »
