Python Program Print Star Diamond Shape

By | October 23, 2023

Python Program Print Star Diamond Shape –

Python Program Print Star Diamond Shape

Python Program Print Star Diamond Shape

# Define the number of rows for the star shape
num_rows = 5

# Loop to print the star shape
for i in range(1, num_rows + 1):
    # Print spaces before the first half of the stars
    for j in range(num_rows - i):
        print(" ", end="")

    # Print the first half of the stars
    for j in range(2 * i - 1):
        print("*", end="")

    # Move to the next line

# Loop to print the second half of the star shape
for i in range(num_rows - 1, 0, -1):
    # Print spaces before the second half of the stars
    for j in range(num_rows - i):
        print(" ", end="")

    # Print the second half of the stars
    for j in range(2 * i - 1):
        print("*", end="")

    # Move to the next line

I’ll explain the code step by step:

  1. num_rows = 5: This line sets the variable num_rows to 5, which determines the number of rows in the star shape. You can change this value to create a star shape with a different number of rows.
  2. The code uses two nested loops to print the star shape, one for the first half of the star and another for the second half.
  3. The first loop, for i in range(1, num_rows + 1):, iterates through the rows of the star shape. It starts from 1 and goes up to the specified num_rows value.
  4. Inside this loop, there’s a loop to print spaces before the first half of the stars. This loop, for j in range(num_rows - i):, calculates how many spaces to print before the stars in each row to create the pyramid shape. It prints spaces using print(" ", end="").
  5. The next inner loop, for j in range(2 * i - 1):, prints the first half of the stars. It calculates the number of stars in each row based on the current row number and prints the stars using print("*", end="").
  6. After printing the spaces and stars for the first half of the row, it moves to the next line using print() to start the next row.
  7. After completing the first loop, there’s a second loop to print the second half of the star shape. This loop, for i in range(num_rows - 1, 0, -1):, iterates from num_rows - 1 down to 1, creating the inverted pyramid shape.
  8. Inside this loop, there’s a loop to print spaces before the second half of the stars, similar to the first loop.
  9. The inner loop within this second loop prints the second half of the stars, again similar to the first loop.
  10. Finally, the code prints the spaces and stars for the second half of the row and moves to the next line.

The combination of these loops results in a star shape pattern with the specified number of rows, and the stars in each row are centered. You can adjust the num_rows variable to change the size of the star shape.


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