Design Rectangle Class Program in C Plus Plus

By | July 29, 2023

Design Rectangle Class Program in C Plus Plus

Write a c++ program to design a class Rectangle with
1. Two member variables length and width of type double,
2. default constructor and parameterized constructor.
3. set(double,double) member function to set values of length and width
4. and getArea() member function to calculate area of rectangle object.
5. Write down main() function.
6. Create an object rectangle1 with default constructor. Set its values 5.0 and 3.0. Call getArea() function. Show result. Also create another object rectangle2 by parametrized constructor passing 7.0 and 4.0. Call getArea() and show the result.

Class Rectangle Program in C++

Source Code of Design Rectangle Class Program


using namespace std;

class Rectangle {
    double length;
    double width;

    // Default constructor
    Rectangle() {
        length = 0.0;
        width = 0.0;

    // Parameterized constructor
    Rectangle(double len, double wid) {
        length = len;
        width = wid;

    // Member function to set the dimensions of the rectangle
    void set(double len, double wid) {
        length = len;
        width = wid;

    // Member function to calculate the area of the rectangle
    double getArea() {
        return length * width;

int main() {
    // Create an object rectangle1 with default constructor
    Rectangle rectangle1;

    // Set its values to 5.0 and 3.0 using the set member function
    rectangle1.set(5.0, 3.0);

    // Call getArea() and display the result
    double area1 = rectangle1.getArea();
    cout << "Area of rectangle1: " << area1 << endl;

    // Create another object rectangle2 using the parameterized constructor
    Rectangle rectangle2(7.0, 4.0);

    // Call getArea() and display the result
    double area2 = rectangle2.getArea();
    cout << "Area of rectangle2: " << area2 << endl;

    return 0;


Area of rectangle1: 15

Area of rectangle2: 28

Explanation of Design Rectangle Class Program in C Plus Plus

  1. The program starts with an #include directive to include the necessary input-output library (<iostream>) which provides functionality for input and output operations.
  2. A class named Rectangle is defined. It has private data members length and width to store the dimensions of the rectangle.
  3. The class has three member functions:
    • The default constructor initializes length and width to 0.0.
    • The parameterized constructor takes two arguments and sets length and width to those values.
    • The set function allows you to set the dimensions of the rectangle.
  4. The getArea function calculates the area of the rectangle (length * width) and returns the result.
  5. In the main function:
    • An object rectangle1 of the Rectangle class is created using the default constructor.
    • The set method is used to set the dimensions of rectangle1 to 5.0 and 3.0.
    • The getArea function is called on rectangle1 to calculate and display its area.
  6. Another object rectangle2 is created using the parameterized constructor with dimensions 7.0 and 4.0.
  7. The getArea function is called on rectangle2 to calculate and display its area.
  8. The program ends by returning 0, indicating successful execution.

When you run this program, it will output the areas of the two rectangles based on the provided dimensions. It demonstrates how to create a class, define constructors and member functions, and use objects to perform calculations in C++.

This program defines the Rectangle class with member variables length and width, a default constructor, a parameterized constructor, and the set and getArea member functions. In the main() function, we create two Rectangle objects: rectangle1 using the default constructor and rectangle2 using the parameterized constructor. We set the dimensions of rectangle1 using the set member function and then call the getArea function on both objects to calculate and display their areas.


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