Python Program Print Star Pattern 6 – This Python Programming Tutorial will explain the Python program to print the star pattern number 6 as shown in the following figure:

Python Program Print Star Pattern 6
The Source Code of Python Program to Print Star Pattern 6
# Write a Python program to display # the following star pattern 6 # using nested for loops # # ********* # ******* # ***** # *** # * # Author: (c) lines = int(input('How many star line in Star Pattern # 6 ?:')) print('The required star pattern is:') for i in range(lines,0,-1): for k in range(lines,i,-1): print(' ', end='') for j in range(1,i*2): print('*', end='') print()
The output of the Python program to display star pattern No. 6
How many star line in Star Pattern # 6 ?:5 The required star pattern is: ********* ******* ***** *** *