“Use Switch statement for simple calculator C Program” is a C program used to work as a simple calculator. This simple calculator performs only four basic arithmetic operations addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
This program uses switch statement to check the type of operator and calculates the needed operation. The result is presented to user accordingly with printf() function.

C switch statement calculator program
The source code of C calculator program using switch statement is as follows:
/* Write a C program to work as 4 function calculator +, _, *, / Sample input string may be 20+30[Press Enter] The c program will show answer 50 use switch statement */ #include<stdio.h> int main() { char operator; float num1, num2, result; /* Input a number operator and second number from user */ printf("Enter firrst number operaor second number[ENTER]:"); printf("\nExample: 10+20[Enter]: "); scanf("%f%c%f", &num1,&operator,&num2); /* check the operator and perform operation accordingly */ switch(operator) { case '+': { result= num1+num2; printf("Addition=%.2f",result); break; } case '-': { result = num1- num2; printf("Subtraction=%.2f",result); break; } case '*': { result = num1 * num2; printf("Multiplication=%.2f",result); break; } case '/': { result = num1 / num2; printf("Division=%.2f",result); break; } default: printf("Invalid operator please input +, -, *, / ") ; return 0; } }
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