“Print Number Pattern Square Shape 5 to 1” is a C language program to show the number square pattern 5 to 1 as shown in the following figure.

“Print Number Pattern Square Shape 5 to 1” is a C language program
The source code of the c program to display number pattern in square shape 5 to 1 is presented in the following block:
/* Write a program to print number pattern square shape 5 to 1 in c programming language as shown below 55555 44444 33333 22222 11111 */ #include<stdio.h> int main() { int row, col; for( row = 5; row >=1;row--) { for(col=1; col<=5; col++) printf("%d",row); printf("\n"); } return 0; }
After running this program the output window will open and show the required output in the form of number pattern.