Task: Copy All Records to Another File Program in C Plus Plus
This program will open the source file in reading ( in ) mode. It will open the destination file in writing (out) mode. Then the program will read all records from source file one by one. And copy every record to destination file.

C++ Program to copy all record from binary file to another file
This record copy process is in a while loop. It will continue to copy records as long as end of file (source file) is not reached.
Finally, this C++ file copy program will display a message: ‘File Copied successfully’ etc.
The source code of Copy All Records to Another File Program in C Plus Plus
/* Write a C++ Program to copy all records of a binary file 'cppfile.dat' into'copyfile.dat' */ #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string> using namespace std; struct student { int rollno; char name[30]; }srecord; int main() { char ans; fstream file1, file2; //opening source binary file in writing mode // if we run this program again, it will //overwrite the destination file file1.open("d://cppfile.dat",ios::binary |ios::in); if(!file1) { cout<<"Source File could not open"; exit(0); } //opening destination binary file in reading mode file2.open("d://copyfile.dat",ios::binary |ios::out); if(!file2) { cout<<"Destination File could not open"; exit(0); } while(!file1.eof()) { file1.read((char*)&srecord,sizeof(srecord)); if(!file1.eof()) file2.write((char*)&srecord,sizeof(srecord)); } file1.close(); file2.close(); cout<<"\nFile copied successfully.\n Thanks for visiting www.EasyCodebook.com"; return 0; }
A sample run output :C++ Program to copy all record from binary file to another file

C++ Program to copy all record from binary file to another file
File copied successfully.
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