Category Archives: Python String Programs

Python Sentence Vowel Counter Program

Python Sentence Vowel Counter  – Write a program that takes a sentence as input and counts the number of vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in it. Here’s a Python program that takes a sentence as input and counts the number of vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in it: Source Code # Function to… Read More »


Python Different Counts in String

Python Different Counts in String – Python program to count uppercase letters, lower case letters, vowels, consonants and spaces in the given string.   #Python program to count upper case letters, lower case letters #vowels, consonants and spaces in a string uppercase=0 lowercase=0 vowels=0 consonants=0 spaces=0 string=input(“Enter a String: “) for ch in string: if… Read More »


Python Remove Vowels in String Program

Python Remove Vowels in String Program – This Python program will take an input string from user. It will remove any vowels in this string and will display the output string after removing vowels in that input string. We will use: input() function to display message and get the input string from the user. We… Read More »


Python Counting Words Occurrences

Topic: Counting Words Occurrences in String Python Program   # Python Program to input a string # and find number of occurrences of # each word in the given string # using a user defined function # define a user defined function # that will receive a string as an argument # will return a… Read More »


Python Recursive Function Check Palindrom String

Python Recursive Function Check Palindrom String # Write a Python program to # input a string and find # whether the string is a palindrome or not # # Start of the Python program # define the recursive function def is_palindrome(s): if len(s) <= 1: # Base case return True elif s[0] != s[len(s)… Read More »


Python Program to convert string to Opposite case

Task: Write a Python Program to convert string to Opposite case. This Python programming tutorial will input a string and convert its letters to opposite case. It means that if this Python code will find a lower case letter, it will convert it into upper case and vice versa. For example, it will convert the… Read More »


Python Program to Convert String to Upper Case

Task: Write a Python Program to  Convert a given String to Upper Case. The Source Code of Python Program to Convert String to Upper Case # Write a Python program to # input a string and change into # upper case # The user will enter String # during program execution # author: #… Read More »
