Sum & Count of Even Odd Separately in Array

Task: Sum & Count of Even Odd Separately in Array // Write a C++ program to input 10 numbers // in array then display sum and count of even // and odd numbers in Array, separately. // Author: (c) #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int arr[10],i,esum,osum,ecount,ocount; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { cout<<“Enter Number “<<(i+1)<<” :”;… Read More »


Count and Sum of Even Numbers in Array C Plus Plus

Task: Count and Sum of Even Numbers in Array C++ Program The Source Code of Count and Sum of Even Numbers in Array // Write a C++ program to input 10 numbers // in array then display even numbers, their // sum and count in array // Author: (c) #include<iostream> using namespace std; int… Read More »


Reverse Number Sequence in Array C Plus Plus

Task: Reverse Number Sequence in Array C Plus Plus The Source Code of Reverse Number Sequence in Array C Plus Plus Program // Write a C++ program to input 10 numbers // in array then display actual array // and in reverse order from last to first //element. // Author: (c) #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using… Read More »


Fibonacci Sequence Generator Using Array C++

Task: Fibonacci Sequence Generator Using Array – C++ Program The Source Code for Fibonacci Sequence Generator Using Array // Write a C++ program to input number of terms // of FIBONACCI Series required, then // display Fibonacci Terms using Array // Author: (c) #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { //write program to… Read More »


Basic Bubble Sort Code in C++

Task: Basic Bubble Sort Code in C++ // Write a C++ program to input 10 numbers in arra // and sort these numbers in ascending orde // using Bubble sort algorith // Author: (c #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { int arr[10],i,j, temp; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { cout<<"Enter Number "<<(i+1)<<":"; cin>>arr[i]; } cout<<"Array Values… Read More »


Define Bar Chart Class in Java Program

Task: Define Bar Chart Class in Java Program Define Bar Chart Class in Java Program-Specification Define Sales Bar Chart Class in Java Program Write a Java program to accomplish the following tasks 1. Define a class BarChart in Java. 2. Add an array of double in it as a field 3. Define two constructors: no… Read More »


Define Circle Class in Java with Radius and Area

Task: Define Circle Class in Java with Radius and Area How To Define Circle Class in Java First of all, let’s consider the specification of a Circle class: Write a Java Program to create a  class Circle with the following features: Fields of Circle Class 1. A field radius of type double 2. a constant… Read More »


Create a New Java Class Rectangle – Java Program

Create a new Java Class Rectangle – This Python Tutorial will explain the creation of a new Java class named Rectangle with the following class specification: How To Create a New Rectangle Class in Java Write a Java program using Objects and Classes concepts in Object Oriented Programming. Define the Rectangle class that will have: Two… Read More »


Design and Use Triangle Class – C++ Program

Task: Design and Use Triangle Class – C++ Program Detail of C++ Program for Design and Use Triangle Class Write a C++ Program to design a class Triangle with two float variables ‘base’ and ‘height’ and three member functions1. void setBase(float b) to set value of base2. void setHeight(float h) to set value of base3.… Read More »
