Using Pointers Add Numbers

By | November 29, 2022

Pointers in C Language: Program To Add Two Numbers Using Pointers

Using Pointers Add Numbers in C Language


#include <stdio.h>
int main()
   int num1, num2, *ptr1, *ptr2, sum;
   printf("\n\n Pointers in C : Program to Add two numbers :\n"); 
   printf(" Enter the first number : ");
   scanf("%d", &num1);
   printf(" Enter the second  number : ");
   scanf("%d", &num2);   
   ptr1 = &num1;
   ptr2 = &num2;
   sum = *ptr1 + *ptr2;
   printf(" The sum of the two numbers is : %d\n",sum);
   return 0;


Pointers in C : Program to Add two numbers :
Enter the first number : 12
Enter the second number : 13
The sum of the two numbers is : 25

Explanation of Using Pointers Add Two Numbers Program

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
   First of all we declare 2 int variables num1 and num2.
   Two pointer variables ptr1 and ptr 2 are also declared with
   a * before identifier. These are pointers to integer.
   int num1, num2, *ptr1, *ptr2, sum;
   Here we display some messages using printf()
   printf("\n\n Pointers in C : Program to Add two numbers :\n"); 
   Display prompt to enter a number and get input from the user.
   printf(" Enter the first number : ");
   scanf("%d", &num1);
   printf(" Enter the second  number : ");
   scanf("%d", &num2);   
   Assign address of num1 variable to pointer variable ptr1
   with the help of & operator. 
   Similarly, put address of num2 variable in pointer variable ptr2
   with the help of & operator. 
   ptr1 = &num1;
   ptr2 = &num2;
   /*Now add two integer variables using pointers and
   dereferencing operator * before pointer name.
   * is also called indirection operator.
   *ptr1 will refer to the value of num1 variable.
   Because ptr1 has the address of num1.
   Similarly, *ptr2 will refer to the value of num2.	 
   sum = *ptr1 + *ptr2;
   Print the sum of two variables using printf()
   printf(" The sum of the two numbers is : %d\n",sum);
   return 0;


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