Write and Execute First Kotlin Program in IntelliJ IDEA IDE

By | October 28, 2023

Write and Execute First Kotlin Program in IntelliJ IDEA IDE –

Here’s how to write and execute your first Kotlin program using IntelliJ IDEA:

Write and Execute First Kotlin Program in IntelliJ IDEA IDE

1. Install IntelliJ IDEA
If you haven’t already, you’ll need to download and install IntelliJ IDEA, which is a popular Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Kotlin and Java. You can get it from the official website: IntelliJ IDEA

2. Create a New Kotlin Project
Open IntelliJ IDEA and click on “Create New Project.” Select “Kotlin” from the list of available project types. Follow the prompts to configure your project settings, including the project name and location.

3. Create a New Kotlin File
In your Kotlin project, right-click on the “src” directory, select “New,” and then choose “Kotlin File/Class.” Name the file, for example, “HelloWorld,” and click “OK.”

4. Write Your Kotlin Code
In the newly created Kotlin file, write a simple “Hello, World!” program, similar to the one I provided earlier:

fun main() {
println(“Hello, World!”)

5. Run the Program
Right-click inside the `main` function and select “Run ‘HelloWorldKt'”. Alternatively, you can click the green arrow in the left margin next to the `main` function. This will compile and execute your program.

6. View the Output
You should see “Hello, World!” printed in the “Run” tab at the bottom of the IntelliJ IDEA window.

That’s it! You’ve successfully written and executed your first Kotlin program using IntelliJ IDEA. This integrated development environment makes Kotlin development more convenient and provides various tools to assist you in your coding journey.


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