Print star pattern center down triangle

By | June 19, 2019

“Print star pattern center down triangle” is C language program using nested for loop concept. It displays the required output of stars pattern as shown in the figure.

"Print star pattern center down triangle" is C language program using nested for loop concept. It displays the required output of stars pattern as shown in the figure.

“Print star pattern center down triangle” is C language program using nested for loop concept.


Write a C program to print star pattern
triangle as shown below

int main()   
  int row, col, space=5, s;  
  for( row = 9; row >= 1;row-=2 ) 
  	for(s=1; s<=space;s++)
  	   printf(" ");
  	for(col=1; col<=row; col++)
  return 0;


Here is the image to show a sample run of stars pattern C program with sample output as required.

"Print star pattern center down triangle" is C language program using nested for loop concept.

“Print star pattern center down triangle” is C language program using nested for loop concept.


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