Odd Checker C Function

By | June 21, 2019

“Odd Check C Function” is a C program. It uses a function odd() that will take an integer parameter. It will return 1 if number is odd. This function will return 0 if given number is not odd number.

Odd Checker C Function

Odd Checker C Function in C programming

The source code for oddschecker program in C Programming language is as follows:

Write a C program to use a function int odd(int n)
that receives one number and returns 1 if number
is odd or zero if number is not odd.
int odd(int n); /*function prototype or declaration*/
int main()
   int num1,ans;
   /* Enter one number in main() */
   printf("Enter a number to check for odd=");
   scanf("%d", &num1);
   /* call the function by sending one number */
   ans = odd(num1);
   if ( ans ==1)
     printf("%d is odd number",num1);
     printf("%d is not odd number",num1);
   return 0;  
/* wrtite down function definition */

int odd(int n)
	if(n % 2 == 1)
	  return 1;
	  return 0;


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