“Input Output of Elements in Float Array” is a C language program to declare a 10 element array of float / real numbers. This c language array program will input and output these elements.

Source code for float array input out put of elements in C
Here is an image to show the sample run and output of the float array input output C language program.

Here is an image to show the sample run and output of the float array input output C language program.
Here is the source code of the program to input 10 float elements in array and output them on screen.
/* Write a C Program to input ten numbers in array of ten float ( real numbers ). Display all values from array */ #include<stdio.h> int main() { float floatArray[10]; int i; //input in array using for loop for(i=0; i<10; i++) { printf("Enter Element No:%d=",i+1); scanf("%f", &floatArray[i]); } // show array elements using for loop printf("The elements of array are:\n"); for(i=0;i<10;i++) printf("%.2f\n", floatArray[i]); return 0; }
Here is a link to a related array program: Input and output of 10 element integer ( whole numbers ) array.