“Find Average Temperature of Week” is a C language program to input 7 days temperature in Array and Find Average”. In thisĀ C language program we enter temperature readings of a week in a float array and then calculate and display average temperature of the week.

“Find Average Temperature of Week” is a C language program to input 7 days temperature in Array and Find Average”.
Here is the source code in C language for temperature average program.
/* Write a C Program to input seven days temperature in a float array then calculate and find average temperature of the week. */ #include<stdio.h> int main() { float tempArray[7], sum=0,average; int i; /*input temperatures in array and find sum of these using for loop*/ for(i=0; i<7; i++) { printf("Enter Temperature Reading of Day:%d=",i+1); scanf("%f", &tempArray[i]); sum = sum + tempArray[i]; } /* calculate and show average temperature*/ average = sum / 7.0; printf("The Average Temperature of the week is = %.2f",average); return 0; }